My Internship at The Lodge

Here at The Heathman Lodge we like to encourage our team to explore other departments and learn how they operate. As an initiative to provide an opportunity for Front Desk Agents to explore Sales & Catering, we developed the Sales & Catering Internship.

Megan Carter (our first Sales & Marketing intern) was kind enough to provide an insight into her first month in the internship and what future Sales & Catering interns can come to expect.

Without further ado we will pass it on to Megan!

My Internship at The Lodge

By Megan Carter

My name is Megan Carter and I have been a Front Desk Agent with the Lodge for a year’s time. As of July 1st, I now split my time at the desk with working in the upstairs office as the Sales & Catering intern. To experience two very different but equally crucial environments within the Lodge has been an incredibly fulfilling experience for me.

The Sales & Catering team does a magnificent job of going the extra mile to bring a client’s vision to fruition with unparalleled time and energy. Although our time with a guest at the desk is often more limited with passing conversation, we seek to provide a similar experience throughout the course of their stay. Seeing how these two worlds collectively achieve this while also grasping the deeper intricacies of the everyday process it involves has been nothing short of fascinating, engaging and exciting.

Some of my assigned tasks with my internship in the Sales & Catering department include:

  • Creating banquet event orders
  • Crafting buffet display menu signs
  • Setting up pre-set menus
  • Designing reader boards for event exteriors
  • Contacting the client directly to confirm event details

I am also privileged enough to sit in on meetings during brainstorming sessions with my fellow team members, where I gain immense inspiration, collaborate with Sales Managers about upcoming events, booking and improving future business and often submit original insight to improve current systems.

In addition to my work at the desk, I feel it has made me a more well-rounded employee, capable of contributing a vaster knowledge base in both of my respective positions. With time, it has also cultivated my personal understanding of the Lodge and what exactly constitutes a unique guest experience, from the guest rooms to the restaurant and of course, our event spaces. Developing the Lodge’s brand and what that entails is incredibly rewarding and my most favorite part of working in both departments. I look forward to learning and growing more in the coming months and feel very thankful to experience such a special place in this way.

Thank you for reading!